Section 2: Proposed Project Details
Primary Beneficiary Group* (Please select the direct beneficiary of your proposed project.Only one option can be selected. Please highlight).
Select Primary Beneficiary Group
Third gender
Elderly care
Others (write in text box)
Secondary Beneficiary Group (If your proposed project benefits any other group of people, other than your primary beneficiaries, Please highlight. Only one option can be selected).
Select Secondary Beneficiary Group
Third gender
Elderly care
Others (write in text box)
Key Project Partners (The key stakeholders who will be associated with the project. Please highlight.)
Select Key Project Partners
Academic Institute
Gram Panchayat
Municipal Corporation
Status of the Project* (Please highlight) (It gives an insight if you have implemented the project earlier or is active in present.)
Select Project Status
Already implemented –replicable
Proposed Location* ( maximum 3 locations) : District/ City, State
Estimated Project (Please highlight)
Select Estimated Project Budget
Below INR 0.3 Cr.
INR 0.3 Cr. - INR 0.6 Cr
INR 0.6- INR 1 Cr.
INR 1 Cr. - INR 5 Cr.
INR 5 Cr. and above
Cost per Beneficiary / Cost per Unit (The operational cost incurred by the organization per beneficiary. Such as if you are conducting a training program in a certain area, the average cost incurred in providing the service to the individuals.It is inclusive of logistical and administrative costs)/ (If your proposal is about a product based, please mention the cost of each unit along with the product name).
Timeline of the Proposed Project* (estimated period wherein you want to implement and exit the project. Please highlight one option).
Select Project Timeline
Up to 1 month
1-3 months
4-6 months
7-9 months
9-12 months
12-18 months
Above 18 months
Section 4: Project Highlights
Estimated No. of Beneficiaries* Individual/Families( Please highlight one option)
Select Estimated No. of Beneficiaries
Individual - Up to 100
Individual - 100 – 500
Individual - 500 - 1000
Individual - 1000 - 3000
Individual - 3000 – 10000
Individual - Above 10000
Families - Up to 25
Families - 25 - 100
Families - 100 - 500
Families - 500 - 1000
Families - 1000 and above
Need Assessment* (This question indicates the status of your need survey assessment. Please highlight one option from the above options).
Select Need Assessment Status
Already done
Yet to be done
Under process
Project Details: Description* (Max 1000 words). Please adhere to the word limit
Salient features of the Project (Please provide three features only)
Organization’s Brief* (*200 words)
Hyperlink of your organization (Please provide hyperlink of your organization)
PDF Version of your proposal Please provide a PDF version of your proposal ( in the manner you would have liked to present to the )