Womennovator (Gvriksh) organized a W-TALK - Patna on 3rd September, 2019 in association with Blossom Kochhar’s Aroma Magic at Lemon Tree Hotels Bihar from 11:00 A.M.
W-TALK events are gathering momentum and greater visibility ,with each successive event, where W-TALKers participating in W-TALK events, share their inspiring and extraordinary stories, thoughts, ideas and experiences. It helps the audience to become aware about how women entrepreneurship has become a boom in India thus triggering a cascading effect on their zeal and enthusiasm. Currently, women entrepreneurs may not be much visible on the radar, in overall women occupy 30% of corporate senior management positions, which is notably higher than the global average (24 percent). It is a great opportunity to learn and get enlightened by amazing WOMEN TALKers and Speakers.
The W-Talk Session was inaugurated by Tripti Shinghal Somani, Founder Womennovator who enlightened the audience about Womennovator 2019-20 with support of Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME). Womennovator is the First Virtual Incubator for Women, determined to support the cause of women empowerment and entrepreneurship and has endorsed the women empowerment principles of UN Goals – SDG 5: Achieve Gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Ms Tripti also shared about the #3percent mandatory procurement policy for Micro and Small and Medium enterprises owned by women which was proposed by her this year. She shared that this has opened tremendous gateways for women owned businesses to work as Vendor with every Central Ministry /Department / Public sector undertakings and Govt offices. During the W-talk she made attendees aware of other govt. and financial institutions support schemes for women.
The event was moderated by Ms. Tripti Shinghal Somani. The speakers shared their motivational stories and how they could climb the ladder of success, including Ms. Tripti Shinghal Somani, Founder Womennovator, MD KGS Advisors, Mr. Anil Khaitan, Member, Management Committee-Womennovator and Founder, Sunloc - Sunil Healthcare Ltd. and Former President, PHD Chamber Of Commerce and Industry; Ms. Blossom Kochhar, Member, Management Committee-Womennovator and Founder, Aroma Magic; Ms. #UshaJha, Womennovator Influencer - Patna and Founder - Petals Craft, Ms. Preeti Singh, Director, Naredco - National Real Estate Development Councilpment Council, Mr. #RajivSood, DGM SIDBI and Mr. Anil Khandelwal, Board Member-Yogic Secrets.
The speakers gathered at the event shared their own life stories. Some extracts from the words of these great speakers are: Ms. Tripti Shinghal Somani shared “The 3 % mandatory procurement policy for Micro and Small and Medium enterprises owned by women has opened tremendous gateways for women owned businesses to work as Vendor with every Central Ministry /Department / Public sector undertakings and Govt offices.” Mr. Anil Khandelwal shared “We strongly believe that with the power of Mother Nature it is possible to address most of the health concerns including chronic ailments. Yogic Secret (www.yogicsecrets.com) is working in this direction to bringing science and nature closer and preventive care for natural wear and tear”. Ms. Preeti Singh shared “Be Beautiful Be you Beauty lies within you”. Mr. Anil Khaitan shared “Swami Vivekananda had said, the biggest attribute of human beings is fearlessness and women in India should be totally fearless in their journey of entrepreneurship. India needs to involve its women folk into work to reach and to achieve the demographic dividend which India enjoys across the world.” Ms. Blossom Kochhar shared “You must have presence of mind, patience, perseverance, passion and enthusiasm to achieve something, to succeed and become a good entrepreneur.” Mr. Rajiv Sood shared “There are 3 things which came in the journey of SIDBI, (a) Creating awareness of your business (b) Mentoring/ Handholding of the entrepreneur and (c) finance. SIDBI, in association with NGOs and Cooperative banks has given around 10,000 women financial literacy grand. SIDBI, with the help of foreign funding, conducted PSIG (Poorest states inclusive Growth Programme) in Bihar for lakhs of women providing them with Rs.50,000 to Rs.1,00,000 loans. In India, there are around 100 such micro-finance institutions which have been financed by SIDBI.”
Womennovator is making a great impact in over 100 smart cities and 88 sectors across India and globally.
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The event reflected a confluence of bright new ideas, vision , enthusiasm and entrepreneurship zeal among women.
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