Communities Tanvi Rajput part of
Communities that Tanvi Rajput follow.
"Tanvi Rajput Manager (GIS, IT Department) at
Reliance Infrastructure Ltd. Noida Summary • Coopted as a Member- Panel for Smart
Infrastructure, LITDC/P2 & Sectional Committee
on Smart Cities, CED 59, Bureau of Indian
Standards, February 2017- Present. • Active
Working Group Member of 'World Energy
Scenarios' & ‘World Energy Trilemma’ study project
of World Energy Council (WEC). I have also
participated in world energy issue monitor surveys
conducted by World Energy Council (WEC). •
Presented a technical paper at the Sessions of
Research Paper of the 23rd World Energy
Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, during 10th – 12th
October 2016 in Lufti Kirdar Congress Centre,
same will be published as – RAJPUT Tanvi ,
SHARMA Munish, 2016, “Biological Hydrogen Fuel:
Let’s Re-Fuel Future with an Eco-Elegant Fuel”"