100 power women (WeWomen Mumai- Neetta)

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Led by

Neetta karkhanis


The program aims to recognize and showcase the professional journeys of 100 Power Women in Mumbai , Maharastra , inspiring countless individuals and providing invaluable guidance to aspiring professionals. If you’re one of these remarkable women, your story can serve as a powerful source of inspiration for others. Share your pivotal career moments, enterprise development, challenges overcome, motivations, and impactful achievements. Your example will motivate people to make positive changes in their own lives Let’s break barriers and achieved feats that were once considered unattainable. Come join the community .

  • Neetta karkhanis
    Director lifeline legacy foundation.

    Neetta Karkhanis, hailing from India, is a Soul Alignment Coach and an Energy Alchemist. Her journey toward healing commenced with self-healing, and she achieved the status of a Reiki Grandmaster in the year 2000. Over time, Neetta has delved into various.....

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